

DIY Hair Detangler
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Let’s talk about Self Care! These days it's so important to take time for yourself....
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Perfect Attendance
No matter what the school year looks like for you and your family -- you're...
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YOGA spotlight
Who here does Yoga? Do you have any advice for others just starting out? This...
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Microwave Cleaning Hack
Hate cleaning the microwave? Who doesn't? This hack will make it easy peasy! ● Fill...
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Lavender Blueberry Milkshake
Ingredients 1 cup vanilla coconut milk ice cream ½ banana ¼ cup blueberries ½ teaspoon...
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Suffering from seasonal discomforts?
No need to sneeze and sniffle your way through the Summer!  
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How to save money on oils
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You've waited long enough ...now is the time to hop of the fence and get...
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Make your own mothballs!
Did you know Cedarwood is a natural repellent for many pests? Try making your own...
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Chicken Stuffed Tomatoes
A simple recipe, these stuffed tomatoes are great for any luncheon, shower, or party you...
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Lemongrass Essential Oil Removes Nail Polish!
Many essential oils have some cool alternative ways to use them. Did you know that...
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